Primary Care Ophthalmology
High-quality, practical training to health care professionals for Eye Care in the community.
We provide workshops and education covering key clinical knowledge and skills for:
GPs (Primary Care Physicians)
Doctors in Training
Nurse Practitioners
Physician Associates
Accident & Emergency Clinicians
Pharmacists in Primary & Community Care
Optometrists & Dispensing Opticians
Primary Care Ophthalmologists
We offer consultancy to research organisations, charities and companies
wishing to access our expertise of Ophthalmology in Primary Care

Miss Stella Hornby MA (Cantab) MB BChir FRCOphth MD
Stella Hornby is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Oxford Eye Hospital. She has an interest in primary care ophthalmology, low vision and promoting ophthalmic education. She was awarded an "Excellent Teacher Award" by Oxford University.

Dr Andrew Partner BM DRCOphth MRCGP
Andrew Partner is a Military GP and former GP Principal in Oxfordshire. Previously he worked at Oxford Eye Hospital and was the RCGP Ophthalmology Curriculum Guardian.

Anup Shah is a GP Principal in Hertfordshire and practices Ophthalmology with the Moorfields Eye Hospital. He has an extensive interest in Medical Education and is a Trainer in Primary Care with the East of England Deanery.
Combining our experience of Hospital and Community Ophthalmology with our expertise in Health Education, we have been providing Ophthalmic Education for Doctors and Nurses in Primary Care and in an Emergency settings for over ten years.
Our practical focused teaching style is targeted to the busy consultation, to enable competence and effective care strategies for patients, in whichever setting you are in.
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